The Canadian Society of Information Theory has recently launched an online reading group, the Canadian Student Reading Group on Data Science, for students to get together studying and discussing modern and classical materials on Data Science, and for students in Canada to develop active academic and social interactions. The Fall 2021 season of the reading group features "deep generative models", many thanks to organizers Professors Lele Wang, Renjie Liao, Christos Thrampoulidis, and Xiaoxiao Li.
Starting from September 20, the reading group will meet every week on zoom for 1.5 hours. Each time, one person will lead the discussion of one paper in the area of deep generative models. You can take a look at the materials planned for reading in the paper list , which also includes two courses from Stanford and Berkeley on Deep Generative Models.
Meeting time: Mondays 5:00 - 6:30 pm, Pacific Time (starting Sep. 20, 2021)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 698 6234 7055 Passcode: 037245
All students in Canadian universities are welcome to participate. Faculty members are also welcome to join. If you are interested in joining the reading group, please sign up for the reading group here ; you are also welcome to volunteer to present a paper; see the presentation schedule here.
For those who signed up, the reading group organizers will add you to a Slack channel, which will be used for posting related materials, sending announcements, as well as having technical discussions.