Message from the Symposium’s General Chair

Dear participants,

Welcome to the 32nd Biennial Symposium on Communications 2025 (BSC 2025)!

The BSC is a prestigious international research conference presented by the Canadian Society on Information Theory and will be hosted by Université de Sherbrooke at the OTL Gouverneur Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, from June 3 to 6, 2025. The Symposium will feature plenary talks and tutorials by leading researchers in the areas of communications, including 6G, information theory, cybersecurity, and quantum communications. The event, which has a rich scholarly and communal history dating back to 1962, provides ample opportunities to connect with leading Canadian and international researchers in all areas of communications.

This year, we are seeking extended abstracts from a broad range of topics in communications, information theory and signal processing. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present orally at the Symposium. There will be no published proceedings and researchers are encouraged to submit works of interest, including work that is previously or soon-to-be published in other venues. The Symposium is thus an ideal forum for open discussion of the latest research trends in our field.

We hope to welcome you in the beautiful city of Sherbrooke.

Dr. Sebastien Roy

Université de Sherbrooke
